PROP News and Events


Issue 1, March 2023

It’s MN FoodShare Month at PROP

It’s MN FoodShare Month at PROP

It’s MN FoodShare Month which means all cash or food donations made to PROP Food Shelf between March 1st and April 6th will be proportionally matched by the Minnesota Council of Churches.

Our goal is to raise $125,000 in financial gifts and to receive 125,000 pounds of donated food. Please give online at or mail in a check to PROP at 14700 Martin Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344. You can also drop food off at the Prop Food Shelf during regular business hours.

Thank you for helping us restock our food shelves, especially during this time when your gift will be multiplied to help folks in our community struggling with the high cost of food.

2025 PROP Empty Bowls

2025 PROP Empty Bowls

“Nourish and Strengthen Community”

At the 15th Annual


Bring your family and friends to the PROP Empty Bowls 2025 fundraiser at St. Andrew Lutheran Church on Tuesday, February 18th. Lunch is served from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM; dinner from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. Free-will donations will be accepted to support PROP’s mission to compassionately provide food and short-term emergency financial assistance to our neighbors in need.

Enjoy lively conversation, free food, family fun and outstanding live entertainment including St. Hubert’s Catholic Community band and choir, the Eden Prairie Community Band’s “Prairie Ramblers,” Eden Prairie Community Band’s “Woodwind Quartet” and talented musicians from Immanuel Lutheran Church.

View a live pottery making demo and take home a handmade bowl as a reminder of your support to end food insecurity in our community.

On-line Silent Auction: Make your bid for exciting silent auction items online beginning at noon on February 11th! On that date, scan the QR code below for easy access to the bidding site or click here 2025propEmptyBowlsAuction.

Looking forward to seeing you at Empty Bowls! – Jenifer Loon, PROP Food Executive Director



Keeping Families in Their Homes for the Holidays and Beyond

Keeping Families in Their Homes for the Holidays and Beyond

Together, we can help families have a safe and secure place to call home—for the holidays and beyond.

A home means something different for everyone—it might be a cozy apartment, a spacious house, or even a temporary space with friends. But at its core, home is about safety, comfort, and a sense of belonging. Unfortunately, many of our neighbors facing housing and food insecurity don’t have that assurance. With short-term emergency support, PROP helps families avoid eviction. Through wraparound services like mental health care and employment counseling, PROP helps them to build a foundation for long-term stability.

At PROP, we’re Keeping Families in Their Homes For the Holidays and Beyond.

One generous couple in our community embodies the spirit of compassion and care. They have generously pledged to match all gifts given through December 31st, 2024 up to $25,000. Likewise, Scheels-Eden Prairie has matched that gift with an additional $25,00 matching gift.

That means every dollar donated between now and midnight on December 31 will be doubled—up to $50,000!

This is your chance to make twice the impact and help even more families stay in their homes during this critical time.

Donate online HERE or mail a check to PROP Food, 14700 Martin Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

Every contribution helps strengthen our community by keeping our neighbors stable and supported. Thank you for sharing your generosity this holiday season.

“Happy Hour For Hunger” November 14th, 6-8 PM

“Happy Hour For Hunger” November 14th, 6-8 PM

Thursday, Nov 14th, 6-8 PM is Happy Hour for Hunger at Eden Prairie Liquor

You’re invited to a Happy Hour for Hunger on November 14th at Eden Prairie Liquor, 16508 W. 78th Street (Near Kowalski’s). You will have the opportunity to taste over 50 wines and purchase your favorites at exclusive discounted prices. Reserve a ticket with a $10 donation, or bring 5 non-perishable food items to donate at the event.

All during the month of November, you can also “round up for PROP” or make a cash donation at any of the three Eden Prairie Liquor Stores when you purchase your favorite beverages and supplies.

PROP’s 2024 Holiday Gift Card Program

PROP’s 2024 Holiday Gift Card Program

With PROP’s Holiday Gift Card Program, it’s easy to “Share the Joy” with families experiencing food or financial insecurity in our community this holiday season. Just purchase a gift card online and have it sent to PROP Food Shelf at, or drop off a card at PROP 14700 Martin Drive, Eden Prairie, MN 55344.

  • $40 Target Gift Card (Goal: 500 cards)
  • $25 “Fuel Only” Gift Card from a local gas station
  • (Goal: 200 cards)
  • $25 Gift Card from a local grocery store
  • (Goal: 200 cards)

Or donate any amount online at and select the Holiday Gift Card appeal option.

The deadline for donating gift cards to PROP is Friday, November 15th, 2024.Thank you so much for Sharing the Joy!



Join us for “PROP-TOBERFEST – a “Day of Family Fun” on September 22, 2024, 12:00-4:00 PM at Fat Pants Brewing Company, Eden Prairie. A $10 wrist band purchased at the event enters you into a drawing for a door prize and gives access to outdoor kids’ and adult PROP-TOBERFEST festivities.

Enjoy live music by local bands the Jolly Pops and Wondercure and grab some festive food and beverages at the food tent. Come inside the Fat Pants “Beer Garden” to purchase a “PROP-TOBERFEST” beer and play indoor games for a chance to win special prizes.

Kick off the fall season with this great event for a good cause! All proceeds go to fund PROP Food Shelf.

See you there!

2024 Immanuel Lutheran Church- BINGO Benefit for PROP

2024 Immanuel Lutheran Church- BINGO Benefit for PROP

2024 Immanuel Lutheran Church, Eden Prairie

Bingo Benefit for PROP

Saturday, September 7, 3:00-7:00pm

Come and join the fun under the BIG TENT at Immanuel Lutheran Church’s Bingo Benefit for PROP.  There will be prizes, food trucks, root beer floats with Culver’s custard, special musical guests, and Bingo callers including Immanuel’s youth and staff members.

Invite your friends and neighbors to join in the fun!  Join us for an hour, or play for the whole four hours.

Suggested donation for Bingo cards:

  • 20 games for $5, or
  • 4 games for $1
  • Prizes (gift cards) are awarded for every winning bingo.

Bring donation items for PROP and place them in the PROP van.  Products most needed by PROP include the following:

  • Full size personal care items: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothpaste and toothbrushes, razors
  • Paper products: toilet paper, paper towels, women’s hygiene pads and tampons.
  • Food: Canned chicken, canned tuna, protein beans, pasta and pasta sauce, peanut butter and jelly, boxed cereal, pancake mix and syrup, boxed snacks

See you there!!

PROP Business Partners Step Up to the Plate

PROP Business Partners Step Up to the Plate

PROP Business Partners Step up to the Plate

Community is at the heart of what PROP Food does. PROP wouldn’t be what it is today without neighbors helping their neighbors, and some of those neighbors who help PROP are local business partners. PROP has several partnerships with local businesses that have greatly supported PROP’s mission of combating food insecurity.

A long-standing partnership of PROP’s is with the Zinpro Corporation, having partnered with them in 2012. Zinpro is a global agriculture company dedicated to the health and wellbeing of animals and people. The partnership began with their “Blue Jeans Benefit,” in which employees of Zinpro could purchase passes to wear blue jeans to work and all the proceeds went to PROP. “At Zinpro, one of our core values is Serving Generously, and our longstanding partnership with PROP is one example of how we try to live our values,” Global Corporate Communications Leader Lea Curtes-Swenson said.

PROP also has a partnership with The Bernard Group, a visual merchandising and marketing company. The partnership began in 2018, beginning with hosting a peanut butter drive for the food shelf. Since then, The Bernard Group has grown to be PROP’s largest corporate donor. “The Bernard Group supports multiple nonprofit organizations that focus on meeting the needs of those who are most vulnerable in our community, particularly children, teens and women,” Director of Corporate Social Responsibility Liesl Beck explained.

SCHEELS, a local retailer, is another one of PROP’s strong partnerships, providing the nonprofit with consistent support since 2020 and emphasizing the importance of community involvement. “As an employee-owned company we value the communities that we are in and make it a priority to be an active member of each community through outreach and volunteerism,” Marketing Leader Lauren Andrist said. “We couldn’t do what we do without the support of our community so we want to make sure we are doing our part.”

Optum’s partnership with PROP began more recently in 2023, but has already made a huge impact. Optum is a healthcare company that provides various direct services. The partnership began when Optum started hosting food packing events at their campus in Eden Prairie. “At Optum, we believe everyone deserves the opportunity to live their healthiest life,” Senior Data Analyst Laura Erchul shared. “We are committed to advancing health equity, which includes food security.”

These unique partnerships all support PROP in different ways, but they all make a huge difference in the fight against food insecurity.

Zinpro’s involvement has grown to involve many efforts, specifically PROP’s Summer Food For Kids and Empty Bowls programs through their corporate giving programs. Furthermore, through the efforts of Zinpro’s foundation, Anderson Foundation, the company has sponsored several food and personal care item drives alongside holiday giving. All these methods of giving have made an immediate impact at PROP.

The Bernard Group’s staple is their Charity Golf Open, in which PROP is one of three beneficiaries to receive 100% of all the funds raised. The Bernard Group has hosted a charity fashion show in the past as well, illustrating the creative ways in which local businesses support PROP.

While providing support year-round, SCHEELS primarily supports two campaigns of PROP’s: Keeping Families in their Homes for the Holidays and Summer Food For Kids. SCHEELS did a donation match of $25,000 for the most recent Keeping Families campaign, then donated to cover one month of food for Summer Food for Kids. SCHEELS is representative of how major support furthers PROP’s mission.

Optum’s recent partnership has had an amazing start. In 2023, the company packed 400 personal care kits which included shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothbrushes, and shaving supplies. In 2024, they expanded, packing 400 personal care kits and 1,250 snack kits, alongside hosting a peanut butter donation drive that resulted in 135 jars of peanut butter collected. Optum also brought in 200 burrito bowl kits for a spring 2024 project. This partnership will only continue to grow over time.

These partnerships demonstrate how important it is for neighbors to help their neighbors. Each of these companies have supported PROP and its mission in huge ways, creating a greater sense of community while doing so.

“We care about making a positive impact in the world — both through our products and services as well as the actions we take in caring for our communities. By supporting PROP in our hometown, we hope to inspire others to do the same,” Lea said, sharing a sentiment that all of PROP’s business partners uphold.

Faith Communities Help PROP Combat Food Insecurity

Faith Communities Help PROP Combat Food Insecurity

As PROP Food Shelf has expanded over its 50-year history, it has cemented itself as a pillar of the Eden Prairie and Chanhassen communities. Through community support, PROP has been able to continue its mission of combating food insecurity. Its partnerships with several local churches are a major part of that support.

Eden Prairie United Methodist Church (EPUMC) has held a longstanding relationship with PROP. “One of the main focuses of our congregation is food insecurity. It is part of EPUMC’s identity,” explained volunteer Elizabeth Littlefield. EPUMC’s support takes on many roles, but their largest effort is their PROP GARDEN. The project starts off every spring with soil prep and seed planting, then a dedicated group from the church maintains the garden. “Weekly deliveries are made as soon as the first harvest and continue until the end of the season,” Elizabeth said. “It is a labor of love and very successful.” The garden yields 2,000 pounds of fresh produce yearly for PROP.

Eden Prairie Assembly of God (EPAG) heard of PROP through a board member who volunteered. After learning more about the organization, EPAG initiated a partnership. “Our connection with PROP has afforded us the opportunity to refer people in need,” Pastor Chris Cleveland shared.

Prairie Lutheran Church is another longtime partner of PROP. The church emphasizes that taking care of physical needs — like food insecurity — is just as important as spiritual ones. “We want to share the love of Jesus by providing food for those who might not be able to afford their own,” expressed Pastor Ashley Updegraff. “We value our partnership with PROP and do several drives for them and with them each year.”

What all of these churches have in common is their involvement with PROP’s Summer Food For Kids (SFFK) program. The SFFK program helps fill the gaps our children and families face during the summer months when students do not have access to the free meals provided by their schools. Families with children up to 18 years old receive additional food and snack options during their normal food visit to PROP. Through partnership with over 20 local businesses, faith communities, and organizations, PROP aims to serve more than 1,000 kids during summer 2024.

EPUMC, EPAG, and Prairie Lutheran Church all support PROP’s Summer Food For Kids Program in different ways. Halfway through the summer, the impact they have made so far is remarkable. EPUMC chooses one item every summer to create 900 meals for kids. This year, they are aiming for 900 boxes of pasta, and they’ve already created a large dent in that goal. “This takes a great team of motivators, communication, visuals who tap into the generous, caring and supportive members of EPUMC,” Elizabeth said.  Alongside financial contributions, EPAG has been able to donate more than 3,700 boxes of mac and cheese to SFFK. “We want to ensure that kids have the food they need,” Chris explained. EPAG’s commitment is not slowing down anytime soon.

Prairie Lutheran Church is collecting peanut butter jars this summer and getting kids of their church involved too. “Our VBS kids — only 6 of them! — collected 36 jars. The congregation will join them in this effort, but what a great start,” Ashley expressed. “The kids were so eager to help other kids have access to food.” Prairie Lutheran Church is aiming to collect 300 jars total by the end of the summer.

These churches walk in their faith by supporting their communities’ needs, putting others above themselves. “Food insecurity can happen to anyone, and it’s important that we know that,” Ashley shared. “I hope to continue growing our generosity, and I hope we get more person-to-person opportunities for service. I think giving money or items is one thing, but we are called to walk alongside people, too.”