Carol Stoebner, Mothers Day, 2023
Carol Stoebner was one of PROP Food Shelf’s most generous and faithful donors. She passed away peacefully in June of 2023. When Carol donated to PROP, she often included handwritten notes expressing her enduring commitment to help neighbors in the community where she lived. Having a special place in her heart for children, Carol provided frequent financial support for Summer Food for Kids and the holiday gift program serving local youth. She did not want anyone in Eden Prairie to be without food or financial support, but most especially the littlest ones in our midst.
Carol’s unceasing generosity over many years has impacted countless families and individuals who depend upon PROP Food Shelf when going through an unexpected crisis or difficult time. Many lives have been forever impacted and changed for the better because of her deep and abiding investment in her neighbors in need. Carol Stoebner’s legacy of transformation and hope will live on now and in the future because of her heart for serving others every day of her life.
Donate to The Carol Stoebner Memorial Fund